KIDJEC: XDXD but those feelings are reason enough on their own, right? XDXD
KIDJEC: XDXD you can't just go around fighting all these battles that you didn't even start! XDXD
KIDJEC: XDXD you were thrust into this situation and you were forced to accept it! XDXD
KIDJEC: XDXD that doesn't sound very fair, does it? XDXD
KIDJEC: XDXD heck, these guys aren't even real! XDXD
KIDJEC: XDXD there's nothing to lose here! XDXD
KIDJEC: XDXD it doesn't have to be so difficult!!! XDXD
KIDJEC: XDXD it's not your fault this time!!! XDXD
KIDJEC: XDXD you can't just go around fighting all these battles that you didn't even start! XDXD
KIDJEC: XDXD you were thrust into this situation and you were forced to accept it! XDXD
KIDJEC: XDXD that doesn't sound very fair, does it? XDXD
KIDJEC: XDXD heck, these guys aren't even real! XDXD
KIDJEC: XDXD there's nothing to lose here! XDXD
KIDJEC: XDXD it doesn't have to be so difficult!!! XDXD
KIDJEC: XDXD it's not your fault this time!!! XDXD