unclaspedKahuna [UK] has created a group memo.
UK has annexed sanguineAllegory [SA] into the conversation.
UK has annexed gigantisDebilitation [GD] into the conversation.
UK has annexed animatedHumorist [AH] into the conversation.
UK has annexed furbishFacilitated [FF] into the conversation.
UK has annexed demiurgeQuantified [DQ] into the conversation.
UK has annexed pliableDecadence [PD] into the conversation.
UK has annexed windlessArtificer [WA] into the conversation.
UK has annexed macabreExude [ME] into the conversation.
UK has annexed perniciousOverkill [PO] into the conversation.
UK has annexed grandioseSaturation [GS] into the conversation.
UK: >([t#ats every1 cept the one we dont need]
UK: >([kkcool now to s#ut u all t#e fuk down]
UK has silenced SA from responding to memo.
UK has silenced GD from responding to memo.
UK has silenced AH from responding to memo.
UK has silenced FF from responding to memo.
UK has silenced DQ from responding to memo.
UK has silenced PD from responding to memo.
UK has silenced WA from responding to memo.
UK has silenced ME from responding to memo.
UK has silenced PO from responding to memo.
UK has silenced GS from responding to memo.
UK: >([im not gonna be wastin my time w anyt#ing but t#e primo issues]
UK: >([some of you got some personal messages bout all t#is from urs truly b4 but now #eres your official strategic c#ecklist of w#at tonites #ell day #as in store for us]
UK: >([its a lot]
UK: >([basic gist is t#at ive been workin for sweeps researc#in an #elpin the man out w t#ese festivities #e got in store for us]
UK: >([now w#at r t#e festivities u r prolly askin urself wit# a dumbfounded wetness seepin into ur pants]
UK: >([put simply its a new state of t#e art vgame project wit# t#e plot bein to become big #eroes]
UK: >([i kno some of u are into t#at ]
UK: >([like at least two or t#ree of u]
UK: >([and t#is babys t#e full package of world warpin an objective based missions just like eac# an every ot#er of t#e few good games we got in our perma greenlig#t sales market]
UK: >([but t#is game rite #ere]
UK: >([t#is game is different from any ot#er contender u mig#t #ave on ur list]
UK: >([youre not gonna recognize t#e name bc its not even got an official one]
UK: >([t#is iz not t#em usual big releases wit# public eyes set on t#e prize waitin for nerds to start beatin eac# ot#er #alf to deat# at t#e startin gate kinda bulls#it u see on t#e reg]
UK: >([an ive got t#e approximate kno-#ow of gettin u guys into it after soul searc#in an finis#in my lifes work inside an occultist mausoleum sprouted at t#e dawn of my time an all of ours]
UK: >([w#ic# u str8 up dont get a c#oice in buying into or not its fax]
UK: >([t#is game is a c#anger t#at tells natural law to go roundabout fuck over itself into oblivion]
UK: >([plays w#en its ready not w#en u r]
UK: >([dont even know w#en ur all gonna be in or #ow ur gonna be getting it an im in talks wit# t#e man w#o made it]
UK: >([t#ink im gonna go down into t#e dungeon to double c#eck t#e important bits t#ere before we get rollin]
UK: >([but its gonna b soon]
UK: >([t#e salience of soon is important #ere bc time is of t#e s#it we gotta watc# out for]
UK: >([#efty price of not playin along is deat#]
UK: >([dont even get to die peacefully]
UK: >([simply put a meteors gonna fall from t#e sky an squas# you ur #ive an t#e world like some kinda one note bug on a planet scale]
UK: >([actually t#ats gonna b #appenin anyways ngl but ull make it outta t#ere dont worry ]
UK: >([bc i gotc#a an all your worries s#oved rig#t up into my colonary tract for safe keepin]
UK: >([ur gonna make it out alrig#t even if all ur s#it is gonna be destroyed an ur gonna be poppin off outta existence far as t#is worlds concerned]
UK: >([t#is leads me to t#e main point of w#at im #ere for]
UK: >([to explain w#atc#a need to survive past t#is sad experience we r all gonna be #avin n s#arin]
UK: >([so mayb grab a pencil bc im about to insig#t you on t#e steps of not getting splattered by a metric rockton of ball plinkin ur body down into t#e ground]
UK: >([t#eres a way to escape t#e meteors before your entire p#ysical an metap#orical living is smas#ed]
UK: >([it lies wit#in t#e sacred law of]
UK: >([da buddy system]
UK: >([eac# of us got a client and a server an eac# of us is gonna #av t#ose roles]
UK: >([bot# are needed to support game functions an t#eyll be flip floppin as we go along]
UK: >([clients are w#os goin in and servers are t#e ones makin sure t#ey get in]
UK: >([yea t#e game isnt even rly t#e game until you do a quicktimed mini-event to make sure t#eres a game u can play]
UK: >([lovin t#e needless complexity its like t#e maker man knows w#o i am deep down in my gilled pus#pad]
UK: >([titpunc# an two sweep circle bag s#adow are makin t#e rounds first w#et#er t#ey wanna take it or not]
UK: >([didnt even plan t#at myself as a gag or not#in fate just turn-plays w/ ur crotc# meat in a fiendis# slow grip i guess]
UK: >([rest of us go like t#is]
UK: >([po -> wa -> me -> gd -> dq -> pd -> sa -> ff -> me -> gs -> redacted -> a#]
UK: >([so goin down youll see t#at once ur a server to t#e person be#ind ya u t#en become a client to w#os next in line to insert urself into t#e world of tomorrow]
UK: >([mig#t wanna talk to t#ese guys if u dont already bc t#eyre in c#arge of your entire purpose]
UK: >([sure we can work out t#ose weirdo combos some#ow]
UK: >([dunno #ow t#is all works or w#at to expect pus#in forwards but #ey if it works out u wont be gone p#ysically at least]
UK: >([itll cycle back to pencil lengt# once all is said an done but on an aside srsly dude i wouldnt set my sig#ts on redacted]
UK: >([not gonna go into detail on it but t#at would jus cause major probs]
UK: >([so im kinda #alf bustin my code of #onor #ere but legit its gonna b muc# better wit#out #er in]
UK: >([mayb some of u know wat i mean]
UK: >([s#es not good news and we dont need not good news on top of our rig#teous stack of bad news were droppin on so feel free to ignore t#at last bit]
UK: >([last t#ing i can give u t#at i kno t#is game #as is some codes i transcribed from my reconstruction work]
UK: >([t#ese are t#e one real sure deal i kno t#at u need to #ave goin in]
UK: >([all u guise are gonna #ave different codes but t#eres one specif bunc# t#ats gonna be repeated over an over again for eac# process]
UK: >([1263, 1194, 1077, 5728, 6012]
UK: >([do t#ese numbers #old significance bsides being related to avoidin a #ot igneous load barrelin down t#e skyline in our collective direction u ask ]
UK: >([fuck s#it piss if i can tell t#at muc# t#is early on i answer]
UK: >([but t#ey do come w some nice pictograms w#ic# are also important so ill link em down below]
UK: >([https://tinyurl.com/yd3l4ev9
UK: >([t#ass all i got for ya tb#]
UK: >([jus put w#at ive told u into practice come t#e rite time an ur good]
UK: >([pls pls pls god dont make me reexplain an retread my words a billion fuckton of times before we go in]
UK: >([im settin like a 5 time stupid question limit for all u people an t#en im s#uttin down my exposition camp]
UK: >([t#is is supposed to be a game it wont work rig#t if u dont learn along t#e way or some s#it]
UK: >([so try an #ave funsies]
UK: >([or die tryin]
UK: >([catc# u all on t#e ot#er side]
unclaspedKahuna [UK] has withdrawn from unnamed group.
UK has annexed sanguineAllegory [SA] into the conversation.
UK has annexed gigantisDebilitation [GD] into the conversation.
UK has annexed animatedHumorist [AH] into the conversation.
UK has annexed furbishFacilitated [FF] into the conversation.
UK has annexed demiurgeQuantified [DQ] into the conversation.
UK has annexed pliableDecadence [PD] into the conversation.
UK has annexed windlessArtificer [WA] into the conversation.
UK has annexed macabreExude [ME] into the conversation.
UK has annexed perniciousOverkill [PO] into the conversation.
UK has annexed grandioseSaturation [GS] into the conversation.
UK: >([t#ats every1 cept the one we dont need]
UK: >([kkcool now to s#ut u all t#e fuk down]
UK has silenced SA from responding to memo.
UK has silenced GD from responding to memo.
UK has silenced AH from responding to memo.
UK has silenced FF from responding to memo.
UK has silenced DQ from responding to memo.
UK has silenced PD from responding to memo.
UK has silenced WA from responding to memo.
UK has silenced ME from responding to memo.
UK has silenced PO from responding to memo.
UK has silenced GS from responding to memo.
UK: >([im not gonna be wastin my time w anyt#ing but t#e primo issues]
UK: >([some of you got some personal messages bout all t#is from urs truly b4 but now #eres your official strategic c#ecklist of w#at tonites #ell day #as in store for us]
UK: >([its a lot]
UK: >([basic gist is t#at ive been workin for sweeps researc#in an #elpin the man out w t#ese festivities #e got in store for us]
UK: >([now w#at r t#e festivities u r prolly askin urself wit# a dumbfounded wetness seepin into ur pants]
UK: >([put simply its a new state of t#e art vgame project wit# t#e plot bein to become big #eroes]
UK: >([i kno some of u are into t#at ]
UK: >([like at least two or t#ree of u]
UK: >([and t#is babys t#e full package of world warpin an objective based missions just like eac# an every ot#er of t#e few good games we got in our perma greenlig#t sales market]
UK: >([but t#is game rite #ere]
UK: >([t#is game is different from any ot#er contender u mig#t #ave on ur list]
UK: >([youre not gonna recognize t#e name bc its not even got an official one]
UK: >([t#is iz not t#em usual big releases wit# public eyes set on t#e prize waitin for nerds to start beatin eac# ot#er #alf to deat# at t#e startin gate kinda bulls#it u see on t#e reg]
UK: >([an ive got t#e approximate kno-#ow of gettin u guys into it after soul searc#in an finis#in my lifes work inside an occultist mausoleum sprouted at t#e dawn of my time an all of ours]
UK: >([w#ic# u str8 up dont get a c#oice in buying into or not its fax]
UK: >([t#is game is a c#anger t#at tells natural law to go roundabout fuck over itself into oblivion]
UK: >([plays w#en its ready not w#en u r]
UK: >([dont even know w#en ur all gonna be in or #ow ur gonna be getting it an im in talks wit# t#e man w#o made it]
UK: >([t#ink im gonna go down into t#e dungeon to double c#eck t#e important bits t#ere before we get rollin]
UK: >([but its gonna b soon]
UK: >([t#e salience of soon is important #ere bc time is of t#e s#it we gotta watc# out for]
UK: >([#efty price of not playin along is deat#]
UK: >([dont even get to die peacefully]
UK: >([simply put a meteors gonna fall from t#e sky an squas# you ur #ive an t#e world like some kinda one note bug on a planet scale]
UK: >([actually t#ats gonna b #appenin anyways ngl but ull make it outta t#ere dont worry ]
UK: >([bc i gotc#a an all your worries s#oved rig#t up into my colonary tract for safe keepin]
UK: >([ur gonna make it out alrig#t even if all ur s#it is gonna be destroyed an ur gonna be poppin off outta existence far as t#is worlds concerned]
UK: >([t#is leads me to t#e main point of w#at im #ere for]
UK: >([to explain w#atc#a need to survive past t#is sad experience we r all gonna be #avin n s#arin]
UK: >([so mayb grab a pencil bc im about to insig#t you on t#e steps of not getting splattered by a metric rockton of ball plinkin ur body down into t#e ground]
UK: >([t#eres a way to escape t#e meteors before your entire p#ysical an metap#orical living is smas#ed]
UK: >([it lies wit#in t#e sacred law of]
UK: >([da buddy system]
UK: >([eac# of us got a client and a server an eac# of us is gonna #av t#ose roles]
UK: >([bot# are needed to support game functions an t#eyll be flip floppin as we go along]
UK: >([clients are w#os goin in and servers are t#e ones makin sure t#ey get in]
UK: >([yea t#e game isnt even rly t#e game until you do a quicktimed mini-event to make sure t#eres a game u can play]
UK: >([lovin t#e needless complexity its like t#e maker man knows w#o i am deep down in my gilled pus#pad]
UK: >([titpunc# an two sweep circle bag s#adow are makin t#e rounds first w#et#er t#ey wanna take it or not]
UK: >([didnt even plan t#at myself as a gag or not#in fate just turn-plays w/ ur crotc# meat in a fiendis# slow grip i guess]
UK: >([rest of us go like t#is]
UK: >([po -> wa -> me -> gd -> dq -> pd -> sa -> ff -> me -> gs -> redacted -> a#]
UK: >([so goin down youll see t#at once ur a server to t#e person be#ind ya u t#en become a client to w#os next in line to insert urself into t#e world of tomorrow]
UK: >([mig#t wanna talk to t#ese guys if u dont already bc t#eyre in c#arge of your entire purpose]
UK: >([sure we can work out t#ose weirdo combos some#ow]
UK: >([dunno #ow t#is all works or w#at to expect pus#in forwards but #ey if it works out u wont be gone p#ysically at least]
UK: >([itll cycle back to pencil lengt# once all is said an done but on an aside srsly dude i wouldnt set my sig#ts on redacted]
UK: >([not gonna go into detail on it but t#at would jus cause major probs]
UK: >([so im kinda #alf bustin my code of #onor #ere but legit its gonna b muc# better wit#out #er in]
UK: >([mayb some of u know wat i mean]
UK: >([s#es not good news and we dont need not good news on top of our rig#teous stack of bad news were droppin on so feel free to ignore t#at last bit]
UK: >([last t#ing i can give u t#at i kno t#is game #as is some codes i transcribed from my reconstruction work]
UK: >([t#ese are t#e one real sure deal i kno t#at u need to #ave goin in]
UK: >([all u guise are gonna #ave different codes but t#eres one specif bunc# t#ats gonna be repeated over an over again for eac# process]
UK: >([1263, 1194, 1077, 5728, 6012]
UK: >([do t#ese numbers #old significance bsides being related to avoidin a #ot igneous load barrelin down t#e skyline in our collective direction u ask ]
UK: >([fuck s#it piss if i can tell t#at muc# t#is early on i answer]
UK: >([but t#ey do come w some nice pictograms w#ic# are also important so ill link em down below]
UK: >([https://tinyurl.com/yd3l4ev9
UK: >([t#ass all i got for ya tb#]
UK: >([jus put w#at ive told u into practice come t#e rite time an ur good]
UK: >([pls pls pls god dont make me reexplain an retread my words a billion fuckton of times before we go in]
UK: >([im settin like a 5 time stupid question limit for all u people an t#en im s#uttin down my exposition camp]
UK: >([t#is is supposed to be a game it wont work rig#t if u dont learn along t#e way or some s#it]
UK: >([so try an #ave funsies]
UK: >([or die tryin]
UK: >([catc# u all on t#e ot#er side]
unclaspedKahuna [UK] has withdrawn from unnamed group.