DREAM!LAIVAN: Well, hey there!
DREAM!LAIVAN: I gotta be honest, I didn't expect you to be up this soon
DREAM!ALBION: sounds like you need to learn to expect the unexpected more often than you do
DREAM!LAIVAN: Been working on it
DREAM!ALBION: working hard or hardly working?
DREAM!LAIVAN: Hmmm, I'm going to say both
DREAM!ALBION: hello laivan
DREAM!ALBION: hello to you too arcjec!
DREAM!LAIVAN: You're supposed to say something nice back to the lady, man
DREAM!LAIVAN: This guy tries his best to get on everyone's wrong side, I swear
DREAM!LAIVAN: Not sure how he managed to get up before you
DREAM!LAIVAN: He's so busy busting his own chops and slipping on his tears he can't even notice when two adult trolls are in front of him having a nice, friendly conversation
DREAM!LAIVAN: So, I decided to take one for the team and teach him some proper etiquette
DREAM!LAIVAN: Pretty sure I'm the only one who can
DREAM!ARCJEC: Oh! You want to talk etiquette, huh?
DREAM!ARCJEC: How about I start us off with an appetizer?? It's a gourmet pre-packaged five layer shit dip that tastes JUST like your smarmy interpretation of the word.
DREAM!ARCJEC: Sprawling me out on a makeshift paper mat does not count as decorum, by the way.
DREAM!LAIVAN: If you saw how you were sleeping before, you'd understand
DREAM!ARCJEC: Also, how in the fuck did you expect me to read all of that? There were SWEEPS' worth of material, and a grand majority of the ones you made me look at just talked about how good you are at buying the papers!
DREAM!LAIVAN: Well, like I said. It wasn't really my choice
DREAM!ARCJEC: And like I said: I don't believe your short mouthed attempt to cover up your borderline fetishistic affinity for newsprint.
DREAM!ARCJEC: Need I remind you that I found your canine behind hanging out of my tower window, unconscious? Pretty compromising position for someone to be in.
DREAM!ARCJEC: Especially someone who claims to be so quote-unquote "in the known" of this place.
DREAM!ALBION: wait what do you mean by not your choice?
DREAM!ALBION: that sounds exactly like the kind of choice you would make
DREAM!ALBION: you dont really have it in you to pull a fast one on anybody laivan
DREAM!ALBION: sorry to say
DREAM!LAIVAN: No offense taken
DREAM!LAIVAN: And I would love to tell you
DREAM!LAIVAN: But Arcjec didn't say hi back to you, so
DREAM!LAIVAN: You're going to have to suffer for his crimes
DREAM!ALBION: arcjec you are ruining this for me.
DREAM!ALBION: i think you might need a lesson in etiquette AND a lesson in hospitality
DREAM!ALBION: would you like me to teach you the latter?
DREAM!ALBION: it would only cost you a mere greeting
DREAM!ALBION: and you would gain my eternal gratitude as a bonus
DREAM!ARCJEC: Would you like me to teach you how to deal with the digestion pool ulcers your rotten sweet talk is giving me?
DREAM!ALBION: depends on what i would gain from such an offer
DREAM!ARCJEC: My eternal gratitude.
DREAM!LAIVAN: I gotta be honest, I didn't expect you to be up this soon
DREAM!ALBION: sounds like you need to learn to expect the unexpected more often than you do
DREAM!LAIVAN: Been working on it
DREAM!ALBION: working hard or hardly working?
DREAM!LAIVAN: Hmmm, I'm going to say both
DREAM!ALBION: hello laivan
DREAM!ALBION: hello to you too arcjec!
DREAM!LAIVAN: You're supposed to say something nice back to the lady, man
DREAM!LAIVAN: This guy tries his best to get on everyone's wrong side, I swear
DREAM!LAIVAN: Not sure how he managed to get up before you
DREAM!LAIVAN: He's so busy busting his own chops and slipping on his tears he can't even notice when two adult trolls are in front of him having a nice, friendly conversation
DREAM!LAIVAN: So, I decided to take one for the team and teach him some proper etiquette
DREAM!LAIVAN: Pretty sure I'm the only one who can
DREAM!ARCJEC: Oh! You want to talk etiquette, huh?
DREAM!ARCJEC: How about I start us off with an appetizer?? It's a gourmet pre-packaged five layer shit dip that tastes JUST like your smarmy interpretation of the word.
DREAM!ARCJEC: Sprawling me out on a makeshift paper mat does not count as decorum, by the way.
DREAM!LAIVAN: If you saw how you were sleeping before, you'd understand
DREAM!ARCJEC: Also, how in the fuck did you expect me to read all of that? There were SWEEPS' worth of material, and a grand majority of the ones you made me look at just talked about how good you are at buying the papers!
DREAM!LAIVAN: Well, like I said. It wasn't really my choice
DREAM!ARCJEC: And like I said: I don't believe your short mouthed attempt to cover up your borderline fetishistic affinity for newsprint.
DREAM!ARCJEC: Need I remind you that I found your canine behind hanging out of my tower window, unconscious? Pretty compromising position for someone to be in.
DREAM!ARCJEC: Especially someone who claims to be so quote-unquote "in the known" of this place.
DREAM!ALBION: wait what do you mean by not your choice?
DREAM!ALBION: that sounds exactly like the kind of choice you would make
DREAM!ALBION: you dont really have it in you to pull a fast one on anybody laivan
DREAM!ALBION: sorry to say
DREAM!LAIVAN: No offense taken
DREAM!LAIVAN: And I would love to tell you
DREAM!LAIVAN: But Arcjec didn't say hi back to you, so
DREAM!LAIVAN: You're going to have to suffer for his crimes
DREAM!ALBION: arcjec you are ruining this for me.
DREAM!ALBION: i think you might need a lesson in etiquette AND a lesson in hospitality
DREAM!ALBION: would you like me to teach you the latter?
DREAM!ALBION: it would only cost you a mere greeting
DREAM!ALBION: and you would gain my eternal gratitude as a bonus
DREAM!ARCJEC: Would you like me to teach you how to deal with the digestion pool ulcers your rotten sweet talk is giving me?
DREAM!ALBION: depends on what i would gain from such an offer
DREAM!ARCJEC: My eternal gratitude.