Hello again. :)
oh my goooooooooooooood nooooooo
no no no no no no no no no no no
I don't think I've asked you anything yet.
No what?
no to whatever it is youre trying to sell me!!
religious coping mechanisms more accordions new records
i dont want any of it!!!!!
i was hoping to say no enough times that any question you wanted to pitch would be insta nullified
did it work????
Hm, well.
That is a hard matter to grapple with so suddenly, I must admit.
I think the most direct way to express my feelings on it would be...
No. :)
You do realize you are still on our mailing list, correct?
Do you remember me, Miss Helilo?
yeah yeah youre edolon the great and powerful sous chef yadda yadda
i remember you showing me around because you make it a point to bring it up in every single inane chit chat you thrust upon my poor lap
i dont want your goodies!!! stop forwarding this crap to me!!!!!!
I'm just telling you why this is still happening.
You accepted our little gift. In exchange, we give you news and expect the bare minimum of support.
I would greatly appreciate a bit more of it from you.
support??? oh you wanna talk about support???
i know aaaaaaaall about the support you people get up to
We make others happy. :)
Our membership count is higher than it has ever been.
you brainwash them you creepy hack!!!
do you think i dont research this stuff?????
gods know ive weirded it out with the best of them in the past
and i might not be clear on the details of what happened to him or to you or to i guess hulk hogan now
but this whole deal is ludicrous!!!
you trick people into supporting you with your shady horseshit doomsday rhetoric
Come on, now.
Don't you feel that's just the tiniest bit unreasonable?
We all have to make sacrifices in the interest of the greater good.
I've lost many brave souls close to me. Loves that I cherished, sacrificed to aid in his dream. He has helped them just as much as he has helped me.
There is no reason for us to feel agony over that, is there?
Let me ask you something, only six words long.
Are you happy with your life?
what kind of insensitive question is that?!?!
im fine goddammit
and id be doing much better if you tossed out whatever list you have me on and never contacted me again!! ever!!! thanks!!!
Well, I suppose it was worth a shot.
If you want to dare to be stupid in your faithless little bubble, then I suppose I can't stop you.
However, I know that his words have touched your heart before.
It's hard to completely let go of one's past. You must still feel a measure of fondness deep down.
Even your words reflect his beliefs, as do mine and those of all others like us.
There is a great fear in me that you will regret the choice you made... but I will respect your wishes, just as you will inevitably come to respect mine.
I won't be messaging you again, as you requested.
Do keep your eyes peeled, though. We are very close to having our official statement ready.
Have a good night, Miss Helilo. :)
oh my goooooooooooooood nooooooo
no no no no no no no no no no no
I don't think I've asked you anything yet.
No what?
no to whatever it is youre trying to sell me!!
religious coping mechanisms more accordions new records
i dont want any of it!!!!!
i was hoping to say no enough times that any question you wanted to pitch would be insta nullified
did it work????
Hm, well.
That is a hard matter to grapple with so suddenly, I must admit.
I think the most direct way to express my feelings on it would be...
No. :)
You do realize you are still on our mailing list, correct?
Do you remember me, Miss Helilo?
yeah yeah youre edolon the great and powerful sous chef yadda yadda
i remember you showing me around because you make it a point to bring it up in every single inane chit chat you thrust upon my poor lap
i dont want your goodies!!! stop forwarding this crap to me!!!!!!
I'm just telling you why this is still happening.
You accepted our little gift. In exchange, we give you news and expect the bare minimum of support.
I would greatly appreciate a bit more of it from you.
support??? oh you wanna talk about support???
i know aaaaaaaall about the support you people get up to
We make others happy. :)
Our membership count is higher than it has ever been.
you brainwash them you creepy hack!!!
do you think i dont research this stuff?????
gods know ive weirded it out with the best of them in the past
and i might not be clear on the details of what happened to him or to you or to i guess hulk hogan now
but this whole deal is ludicrous!!!
you trick people into supporting you with your shady horseshit doomsday rhetoric
Come on, now.
Don't you feel that's just the tiniest bit unreasonable?
We all have to make sacrifices in the interest of the greater good.
I've lost many brave souls close to me. Loves that I cherished, sacrificed to aid in his dream. He has helped them just as much as he has helped me.
There is no reason for us to feel agony over that, is there?
Let me ask you something, only six words long.
Are you happy with your life?
what kind of insensitive question is that?!?!
im fine goddammit
and id be doing much better if you tossed out whatever list you have me on and never contacted me again!! ever!!! thanks!!!
Well, I suppose it was worth a shot.
If you want to dare to be stupid in your faithless little bubble, then I suppose I can't stop you.
However, I know that his words have touched your heart before.
It's hard to completely let go of one's past. You must still feel a measure of fondness deep down.
Even your words reflect his beliefs, as do mine and those of all others like us.
There is a great fear in me that you will regret the choice you made... but I will respect your wishes, just as you will inevitably come to respect mine.
I won't be messaging you again, as you requested.
Do keep your eyes peeled, though. We are very close to having our official statement ready.
Have a good night, Miss Helilo. :)