RACREN: {Are you people busy enjoying the change of scenery or do you all spontaneously congregate to barricade hallways often}
GARNIE: we were finishing our head count!!!<<
RACREN: {Head counts are orderly}
RACREN: {From the back you look like a diseased herd of unbonded lusii}
GARNIE: well not all of us can be blessed with perfect lunar bleaching like you<<
RACREN: {You're a sector leader, you could try to be productive about the standardized hair job}
GARNIE: what i'm trying to do is find a lost recruit from 98-vg!<<
GARNIE: someone said they saw him trying to navigate through the labyrinth without a helmet on, but..<<
RACREN: {Those are the new guys they brought up to deploy satellites, right?}
RACREN: {I thought i overheard them not wanting to be caught around the heaps}
GARNIE: yeah well i guess they ran out of spare parts or something because one of them isnt here!<<
GARNIE: we were finishing our head count!!!<<
RACREN: {Head counts are orderly}
RACREN: {From the back you look like a diseased herd of unbonded lusii}
GARNIE: well not all of us can be blessed with perfect lunar bleaching like you<<
RACREN: {You're a sector leader, you could try to be productive about the standardized hair job}
GARNIE: what i'm trying to do is find a lost recruit from 98-vg!<<
GARNIE: someone said they saw him trying to navigate through the labyrinth without a helmet on, but..<<
RACREN: {Those are the new guys they brought up to deploy satellites, right?}
RACREN: {I thought i overheard them not wanting to be caught around the heaps}
GARNIE: yeah well i guess they ran out of spare parts or something because one of them isnt here!<<