METATRON: you're familiar with these, yes?
ARCJEC: XDXD Looks similar to the gates you had us build to get here. XDXD
METATRON: one of the biggest crafting goals you and your fellow aspect holders will have is to create another twelve of these.
METATRON: you will use them to travel between the other lands your friends create.
METATRON: they can either be found within the recipe menu or unlocked along the way.
METATRON: the gates take some time to prepare, so only one can be built at any given point.
ARCJEC: XDXD Looks similar to the gates you had us build to get here. XDXD
METATRON: one of the biggest crafting goals you and your fellow aspect holders will have is to create another twelve of these.
METATRON: you will use them to travel between the other lands your friends create.
METATRON: they can either be found within the recipe menu or unlocked along the way.
METATRON: the gates take some time to prepare, so only one can be built at any given point.