BOOBDRONE: >([bam]
BOOBDRONE: >([one two t#ree four five in t#e sky]
BOOBDRONE: >([or at least four]
BOOBDRONE: >([#it it jus like in t#e olden days of me and you yore]
BOOBDRONE: >([course it wont be t#e same cuz its not t#e routine #ours pending classic manuver we used to pull]
BOOBDRONE: >([but its t#e t#ot t#at counts]
BOOBDRONE: >([t#e t#ot]
BOOBDRONE: >([and t#e #and]
BOOBDRONE: >([one two t#ree four five in t#e sky]
BOOBDRONE: >([or at least four]
BOOBDRONE: >([#it it jus like in t#e olden days of me and you yore]
BOOBDRONE: >([course it wont be t#e same cuz its not t#e routine #ours pending classic manuver we used to pull]
BOOBDRONE: >([but its t#e t#ot t#at counts]
BOOBDRONE: >([t#e t#ot]
BOOBDRONE: >([and t#e #and]