Dr. Coliad, being our Blood player, is heavily entangled with the meaning of relationships — the bonds people form as individuals and as a collective, and the responsibility and weight that comes with such. Their constraints and expectations.
This is also something his entire species is heavily invested in, for better and for worse. I must say, repitonians possess one of the most complex systems of interlocking relationships I have ever observed. It is incredibly intricate, yet so consistent. We could even call it uniform, but I suppose "suits" would be the most accurate descriptor.
Yes, that was a joke. I am very proud of it.
Repitonians conceptualize romantic desires as belonging to one of THREE DISTINCT TYPES OF RELATIONSHIP, with a FOURTH ONE happening on a more temporary basis when the need for it arises — the so called QUADRANTS I have mentioned before. Some of these relations are traditionally SEXUAL in nature, while some of them ARE NOT. We will be reviewing what each of these quadrants entail a bit further in.
As I've said earlier, these relationships are not related to reproduction. What they are related to, according to planet-wide held belief, is a power said to dwell within each and every person. A power that controls mind and body, completely individual and lying at the core of one's every decision: the SOUL.
The average troll has confidence in the fact that, within three of these four quadrants, they are meant to have a SOULMATE — someone perfectly suited to either complement, oppose or nurture you in a way no other can. Some believe the process of finding this special person occurs as a natural part of your journey through life. Others say it is happenstance, a matter of being at the right place at the right time, and others still hold true that it is an uphill battle of constant dedication and search. But in the end, all have utmost faith in this force that inevitably brings people together.
As you can imagine, what each individual desires from an amorous perspective has, more often than not, a tendency to be...