EO: You wΣnt out of your way to dΣfΣnd mΣ whΣn Murrit stΣppΣd in.
EO: LikΣ...
EO: I don't know¿¿¿¿ I guΣss I just nΣvΣr ΣxpΣctΣd you to do that.
EO: GrantΣd, I don't ΣxpΣct most pΣoplΣ to do that for mΣ, but ΣspΣcially not you.
EO: And I don't mΣan that in a jabby "I don't trust you" kind of way.
EO: I'm just gΣnuinΣly surprisΣd you would ΣvΣn considΣr it, much lΣss dΣcidΣ to do it.
EO: FΣΣls likΣ whiplash.
EO: LikΣ...
EO: I don't know¿¿¿¿ I guΣss I just nΣvΣr ΣxpΣctΣd you to do that.
EO: GrantΣd, I don't ΣxpΣct most pΣoplΣ to do that for mΣ, but ΣspΣcially not you.
EO: And I don't mΣan that in a jabby "I don't trust you" kind of way.
EO: I'm just gΣnuinΣly surprisΣd you would ΣvΣn considΣr it, much lΣss dΣcidΣ to do it.
EO: FΣΣls likΣ whiplash.