ME: Eye think eye may have finally hit the gr.o.und
FF: w w what
ME: Eye can't d.o. this anym.o.re
ME: It's .o.ver
FF: i d dont get it
ME: Y.o.u d.o.n't have t.o.
ME: The silent supp.o.rt is appreciated
ME: Eye simply
ME: Wait
ME: Eye just saw s.o.mething
FF: w w what
ME: Eye can't d.o. this anym.o.re
ME: It's .o.ver
FF: i d dont get it
ME: Y.o.u d.o.n't have t.o.
ME: The silent supp.o.rt is appreciated
ME: Eye simply
ME: Wait
ME: Eye just saw s.o.mething