-- windlessArtificer [WA] began trolling unclaspedKahuna [UK] --
WA: Are you alive-?
UK: >([na#]
WA: Oh-
WA: Alright- I guess I'll just go lay down or something then-
UK: >([#ey woa woa#]
UK: >([cant just be sleepin peepin on t#is #ere nig#t]
UK: >([you know t#e drill]
UK: >([its game time]
WA: Well- it's been game time for a while now-
WA: And game time has been great-
WA: But then you vanished and left me all alone-
WA: It sort of ruined my flow-
UK: >([omfg u wise ass minilungs]
UK: >([you r t#e only one wit# t#e real deal know #ow on t#is front and u t#ink im still ac#in on about small potato fry pseudofeels]
UK: >([badly rendered gamez w#ere you flap ur arms in a barren void wit# politically undertoned furnis#ings is my fav kinda games but you kno t#e big deal is startin to be pus#ed out rig#t from under us]
WA: You talk of big deals and games-
WA: But in my eyes these are just alternate words for things like say-
WA: Harassment-
WA: Or twisted flights of romantic fancy-
WA: I guess it depends on what you want to call it in the moment-
WA: It's probably both at the same time-
WA: Woof-
UK: >([w/e did you see ramshackle skeleman tonig#t]
WA: No-
WA: Don't know why-
WA: He should have made an appearance by now-
WA: That's why I was going to take a snooze-
WA: Figured it'd be worth a quick check-
WA: Or if that's just not in the cards- I still get a brief visit to dreamland-
WA: Before everything starts getting hectic-
UK: >([gonna bring em t#e papers like usual im guessin]
UK: >([w#ic# btw wanna letc#a kno t#ats still real dumb #eadwork on your end bassetbloodz]
UK: >([w#y read bout w#at doesnt matter in t#e long run]
UK: >([t#eyre gonna be touc#in an feelin all up on destiny and end form rig#teousness soon enoug#]
UK: >([life an times of plastic molded battle pieces wont be t#e first t#ing t#eyre #eaded towards]
WA: Yeah well- it was just a bit of a stunt at first-
WA: But I started it and it didn't feel right to stop- Had to keep it going-
WA: Like a civic duty-
WA: It's not even really- about the content of the papers-
WA: Just provides a nice visual and makes a statement- on how outrageous it's become at this point-
WA: And I haven't done that yet tonight- so I might as well-
UK: >([sounds like a big excuse to steal my flavorful styleins]
UK: >([dont forget to b w#o u r]
UK: >([i know u dont #av muc# of a personality besides everyday normal guy an i know your gettin t#at t#ru ur t#ick pupper skull but yknow w#at]
UK: >([t#eres anot#er t#ing inside of u]
UK: >([an on t#e outside of u]
UK: >([and it represents w#o you r]
UK: >([s called bein a dogg]
WA: Am I not being that enough-?
WA: With how I literally make dog noises-
WA: To show how dog-esque I am-
UK: >([well doggs cant talk can t#ey]
WA: Oh- right-
WA: Woof- arf- bark bark-
UK: >([t#ey cant type neit#er]
WA: Wer rnm 4frfj efkllef -efldefnmwa-m-
UK: >([t#ere we fuckin go]
UK: >([now youre 100% original]
WA: Grjki v4v8 iv8-?
UK: >([you got it doggo]
UK: >([now #urry it up wit# t#e zzz you dont #av more t#an a couple #ours before first impact]
WA: Dkn-
UK: >([4 sure]
UK: >([knig#ty knig#t]
UK: >([seeya]
-- unclaspedKahuna [UK] stopped trolling windlessArtificer [WA] --
WA: Are you alive-?
UK: >([na#]
WA: Oh-
WA: Alright- I guess I'll just go lay down or something then-
UK: >([#ey woa woa#]
UK: >([cant just be sleepin peepin on t#is #ere nig#t]
UK: >([you know t#e drill]
UK: >([its game time]
WA: Well- it's been game time for a while now-
WA: And game time has been great-
WA: But then you vanished and left me all alone-
WA: It sort of ruined my flow-
UK: >([omfg u wise ass minilungs]
UK: >([you r t#e only one wit# t#e real deal know #ow on t#is front and u t#ink im still ac#in on about small potato fry pseudofeels]
UK: >([badly rendered gamez w#ere you flap ur arms in a barren void wit# politically undertoned furnis#ings is my fav kinda games but you kno t#e big deal is startin to be pus#ed out rig#t from under us]
WA: You talk of big deals and games-
WA: But in my eyes these are just alternate words for things like say-
WA: Harassment-
WA: Or twisted flights of romantic fancy-
WA: I guess it depends on what you want to call it in the moment-
WA: It's probably both at the same time-
WA: Woof-
UK: >([w/e did you see ramshackle skeleman tonig#t]
WA: No-
WA: Don't know why-
WA: He should have made an appearance by now-
WA: That's why I was going to take a snooze-
WA: Figured it'd be worth a quick check-
WA: Or if that's just not in the cards- I still get a brief visit to dreamland-
WA: Before everything starts getting hectic-
UK: >([gonna bring em t#e papers like usual im guessin]
UK: >([w#ic# btw wanna letc#a kno t#ats still real dumb #eadwork on your end bassetbloodz]
UK: >([w#y read bout w#at doesnt matter in t#e long run]
UK: >([t#eyre gonna be touc#in an feelin all up on destiny and end form rig#teousness soon enoug#]
UK: >([life an times of plastic molded battle pieces wont be t#e first t#ing t#eyre #eaded towards]
WA: Yeah well- it was just a bit of a stunt at first-
WA: But I started it and it didn't feel right to stop- Had to keep it going-
WA: Like a civic duty-
WA: It's not even really- about the content of the papers-
WA: Just provides a nice visual and makes a statement- on how outrageous it's become at this point-
WA: And I haven't done that yet tonight- so I might as well-
UK: >([sounds like a big excuse to steal my flavorful styleins]
UK: >([dont forget to b w#o u r]
UK: >([i know u dont #av muc# of a personality besides everyday normal guy an i know your gettin t#at t#ru ur t#ick pupper skull but yknow w#at]
UK: >([t#eres anot#er t#ing inside of u]
UK: >([an on t#e outside of u]
UK: >([and it represents w#o you r]
UK: >([s called bein a dogg]
WA: Am I not being that enough-?
WA: With how I literally make dog noises-
WA: To show how dog-esque I am-
UK: >([well doggs cant talk can t#ey]
WA: Oh- right-
WA: Woof- arf- bark bark-
UK: >([t#ey cant type neit#er]
WA: Wer rnm 4frfj efkllef -efldefnmwa-m-
UK: >([t#ere we fuckin go]
UK: >([now youre 100% original]
WA: Grjki v4v8 iv8-?
UK: >([you got it doggo]
UK: >([now #urry it up wit# t#e zzz you dont #av more t#an a couple #ours before first impact]
WA: Dkn-
UK: >([4 sure]
UK: >([knig#ty knig#t]
UK: >([seeya]
-- unclaspedKahuna [UK] stopped trolling windlessArtificer [WA] --