BOOBDRONE: >([got navel sling numero two over #ere to nab you a transportation gift]
DISMAS: The ore c/\rrier?///
FF: t the what
DISMAS: It's this mining cr/\ft I use to get th/\t old b/\st/\rd his me/\ls from the r/\di/\tion mines///
DISMAS: M/\kes my "job" much e/\sier. Plus, gi\/es me some /\mmo to fight b/\ck///
BOOBDRONE: >([yu#]
BOOBDRONE: >([ores power it too]
BOOBDRONE: >([s w#y t#ing 2 busted up #is #andy #ammies to excavate a bitta #ard rock ground pee to was# down t#e engine tank]
BOOBDRONE: >([got just enoug# solid dirt juice to get us back at max power]
BOOBDRONE: >([but we gotta b breakneck about it]
BOOBDRONE: >([remember we got consequences]
BOOBDRONE: >([like deat#]
BOOBDRONE: >([an ot#er t#ings like not deat#]
FF: i r really d dont like t this
DISMAS: Me neither///
DISMAS: The ore c/\rrier?///
FF: t the what
DISMAS: It's this mining cr/\ft I use to get th/\t old b/\st/\rd his me/\ls from the r/\di/\tion mines///
DISMAS: M/\kes my "job" much e/\sier. Plus, gi\/es me some /\mmo to fight b/\ck///
BOOBDRONE: >([yu#]
BOOBDRONE: >([ores power it too]
BOOBDRONE: >([s w#y t#ing 2 busted up #is #andy #ammies to excavate a bitta #ard rock ground pee to was# down t#e engine tank]
BOOBDRONE: >([got just enoug# solid dirt juice to get us back at max power]
BOOBDRONE: >([but we gotta b breakneck about it]
BOOBDRONE: >([remember we got consequences]
BOOBDRONE: >([like deat#]
BOOBDRONE: >([an ot#er t#ings like not deat#]
FF: i r really d dont like t this
DISMAS: Me neither///