DISMAS: I'm going to le\/el with you here, "my m/\ns"///
DISMAS: I think this pl/\n sucks, /\nd for the foresee/\ble future, I /\lso think YOU suck///
DISMAS: There's /\ lot of things I'm worried /\bout. But /\s much /\s I w/\nt most of them to be the numbered list of re/\sons this is /\ shit ide/\...///
DISMAS: Ok/\y, listen///
DISMAS: /\lbion dropped her quirk e/\rlier /\nd st/\rted going on /\bout some RE/\LLY out there inform/\tion th/\t I'm still trying to m/\ke he/\ds or t/\ils of///
DISMAS: I think something's wrong with her///
BOOBDRONE: >([s#es fine]
DISMAS: P/\rdon?///
BOOBDRONE: >([s#es fine]
BOOBDRONE: >([just saw #er s#es doin a okay dude]
BOOBDRONE: >([c#atting it up w 180 as s#e s#ould]
BOOBDRONE: >([all good on my end]
DISMAS: But I w/\s JUST t/\lking to her! She sounded definitely not ok/\y, I'\/e ne\/er seen her like th/\t!///
DISMAS: Something w/\s off///
BOOBDRONE: >([seems like #er being regular twinkle twinkle twinkie to me]
FF: o okay then smarty p pants
FF: w what about his l lusus
FF: h he has to be b back by n now
DISMAS: Oh, ye/\h. If shitliz/\rd sees me without some kind of pe/\ce offering he WILL kill me this time///
BOOBDRONE: >([under control]
FF: d doubtful
DISMAS: Seconded///
DISMAS: /\lso, I h/\d /\n incident with my computer /\ while b/\ck /\nd lost my trilobyte in the middle of this unnecess/\ry mess///
DISMAS: Wh/\t /\bout TH/\T, huh?///
BOOBDRONE: >([we will solve t#e computer crisis as a team]
BOOBDRONE: >([me u an t#is sassy c#ild]
DISMAS: I think you misunderst/\nd wh/\t te/\mwork st/\nds for///
DISMAS: Te/\mwork is /\bout c/\ring for your fellow troll. It is most definitely not /\bout /\nything you do or come up with, e\/er///
DISMAS: Might w/\nt to upd/\te your diction/\ry definition there///
BOOBDRONE: >([admirable talk 4sure]
BOOBDRONE: >([w#en t#e next war is rig#t up on our collective doorsteps an t#e big boyz on top need a new star tactician im sure fire sure u will get t#e call]
BOOBDRONE: >([but if im down t#en ur down]
BOOBDRONE: >([an if your down were all down]
BOOBDRONE: >([best kinda plan is a plan t#ats got a gamble in t#e guts of it]
BOOBDRONE: >([bettern waitin on a select c#ance at destiny]
BOOBDRONE: >([you can sit #ere an ponder and #um and #aw all u want for optimality or w/e to strike but by t#at point]
BOOBDRONE: >([its over]
BOOBDRONE: >([wat ur missin is t#at if you dont take any risks ever]
BOOBDRONE: >([t#en rly just w#adda#ell do you do at all]
BOOBDRONE: >([not#in is w#at]
DISMAS: ...///
DISMAS: Sigh///
DISMAS: Pull me up there///
FF: w w what
FF: d dismas t think about this some m more
FF: you c can say no to h him
FF: y you say n no to me at l least sometimes
BOOBDRONE: >([but can u not say no to me]
FF: n
FF: n no
BOOBDRONE: >([#a#]
BOOBDRONE: >([gottem]
FF: ugh
DISMAS: It's not like I h/\\/e /\ny other options. I c/\n't do /\nother round with my lusus in this st/\te///
FF: t this is s so dumb a and y you a are so s scum murrit
FF: s s s s scum s s s scummy scummy s scum
BOOBDRONE: >([up we go t#en]
DISMAS: I think this pl/\n sucks, /\nd for the foresee/\ble future, I /\lso think YOU suck///
DISMAS: There's /\ lot of things I'm worried /\bout. But /\s much /\s I w/\nt most of them to be the numbered list of re/\sons this is /\ shit ide/\...///
DISMAS: Ok/\y, listen///
DISMAS: /\lbion dropped her quirk e/\rlier /\nd st/\rted going on /\bout some RE/\LLY out there inform/\tion th/\t I'm still trying to m/\ke he/\ds or t/\ils of///
DISMAS: I think something's wrong with her///
BOOBDRONE: >([s#es fine]
DISMAS: P/\rdon?///
BOOBDRONE: >([s#es fine]
BOOBDRONE: >([just saw #er s#es doin a okay dude]
BOOBDRONE: >([c#atting it up w 180 as s#e s#ould]
BOOBDRONE: >([all good on my end]
DISMAS: But I w/\s JUST t/\lking to her! She sounded definitely not ok/\y, I'\/e ne\/er seen her like th/\t!///
DISMAS: Something w/\s off///
BOOBDRONE: >([seems like #er being regular twinkle twinkle twinkie to me]
FF: o okay then smarty p pants
FF: w what about his l lusus
FF: h he has to be b back by n now
DISMAS: Oh, ye/\h. If shitliz/\rd sees me without some kind of pe/\ce offering he WILL kill me this time///
BOOBDRONE: >([under control]
FF: d doubtful
DISMAS: Seconded///
DISMAS: /\lso, I h/\d /\n incident with my computer /\ while b/\ck /\nd lost my trilobyte in the middle of this unnecess/\ry mess///
DISMAS: Wh/\t /\bout TH/\T, huh?///
BOOBDRONE: >([we will solve t#e computer crisis as a team]
BOOBDRONE: >([me u an t#is sassy c#ild]
DISMAS: I think you misunderst/\nd wh/\t te/\mwork st/\nds for///
DISMAS: Te/\mwork is /\bout c/\ring for your fellow troll. It is most definitely not /\bout /\nything you do or come up with, e\/er///
DISMAS: Might w/\nt to upd/\te your diction/\ry definition there///
BOOBDRONE: >([admirable talk 4sure]
BOOBDRONE: >([w#en t#e next war is rig#t up on our collective doorsteps an t#e big boyz on top need a new star tactician im sure fire sure u will get t#e call]
BOOBDRONE: >([but if im down t#en ur down]
BOOBDRONE: >([an if your down were all down]
BOOBDRONE: >([best kinda plan is a plan t#ats got a gamble in t#e guts of it]
BOOBDRONE: >([bettern waitin on a select c#ance at destiny]
BOOBDRONE: >([you can sit #ere an ponder and #um and #aw all u want for optimality or w/e to strike but by t#at point]
BOOBDRONE: >([its over]
BOOBDRONE: >([wat ur missin is t#at if you dont take any risks ever]
BOOBDRONE: >([t#en rly just w#adda#ell do you do at all]
BOOBDRONE: >([not#in is w#at]
DISMAS: ...///
DISMAS: Sigh///
DISMAS: Pull me up there///
FF: w w what
FF: d dismas t think about this some m more
FF: you c can say no to h him
FF: y you say n no to me at l least sometimes
BOOBDRONE: >([but can u not say no to me]
FF: n
FF: n no
BOOBDRONE: >([#a#]
BOOBDRONE: >([gottem]
FF: ugh
DISMAS: It's not like I h/\\/e /\ny other options. I c/\n't do /\nother round with my lusus in this st/\te///
FF: t this is s so dumb a and y you a are so s scum murrit
FF: s s s s scum s s s scummy scummy s scum
BOOBDRONE: >([up we go t#en]