WA: Why do you always have to do that-
WA: You might have just gotten rid of- like-
WA: Our only chance to figure this puzzle out-
WA: A puzzle that you can't solve on your own- mind you-
PO: ~i'm no+ going +o lie +o o+her people jus+ +o spare +heir feelings.~
PO: ~+elling o+hers +ha+ +hings are going +o be okay when +heres no guaran+ee of i+ is much worse +han any+hing i could ever do or say +o +hem.~
PO: ~+hey'll live.~
WA: Well, probably- Not gonna lie though-
WA: We could have used that help-
WA: Because we're cutting it down to the wire-
WA: Look up-
WA: You might have just gotten rid of- like-
WA: Our only chance to figure this puzzle out-
WA: A puzzle that you can't solve on your own- mind you-
PO: ~i'm no+ going +o lie +o o+her people jus+ +o spare +heir feelings.~
PO: ~+elling o+hers +ha+ +hings are going +o be okay when +heres no guaran+ee of i+ is much worse +han any+hing i could ever do or say +o +hem.~
PO: ~+hey'll live.~
WA: Well, probably- Not gonna lie though-
WA: We could have used that help-
WA: Because we're cutting it down to the wire-
WA: Look up-