Your name is ARCJEC VOORAT.
As was previously mentioned, it is your wriggling day. It's not something you feel needs to be celebrated, or that anyone else does, for that matter. These arbitrary dates are nothing but depressing reminders of past mistakes, always there to drive home the fact that no matter what, you have no option but to continue to live with the weight of your actions, sweep after sweep, with no recourse.
Your planet's population isn't big on the concept. It's just not something to bring up in polite conversation.
Unlike most trolls your age, or even trolls of an earlier age, you DON'T HAVE MANY HOBBIES. Not every troll around can end up being some sort of prodigy, alright? Not to mention, the few things that you ARE interested in aren't exactly considered productive means of time usage. You could even say that you're often quite LAZY.
In the past, you enjoyed READING STORIES OF MASKED VIGILANTES and WATCHING VARIOUS FORMS OF 2D FICTION. This used to lead to bouts of ARTISTICALLY INCLINED SCRIBBLING, but you're NOT THAT INTERESTED IN DOING THOSE THINGS ANYMORE, for unspecified reasons. You also drink copious amounts of MOUNTAIN DEW CODE RED. So copious, in fact, that you might even be able to label it as an ADDICTION. Drinking this stuff is not something that you're proud of, but it gets the job done.
You don't take much part in talking to your eleven other friends, even though they constantly take part in pestering you on that NEW CHAT SYSTEM, SKORPE.
Yeah, there really isn't that much more to say about you.
Your troll tag is animatedHumorist, and while your screen name and quirk are sort of... really awkward now, you've left them alone. XDXD They also manage to be hypocritical, considering the fact that you speak in a rather serious tone most of the time. XDXD
Right now, you don't have anything you need to be doing. You should probably come up with SOMETHING, though. You're already getting tired of just standing in this spot and blankly staring at the other side of the room.
What will you do?