DREAM!LAIVAN: There's other versions of us out there, in this big empty space beyond our moon
DREAM!LAIVAN: Or there will be soon enough
DREAM!LAIVAN: They're here to fulfill a duty that will be extremely taxing on both their minds and bodies
DREAM!LAIVAN: We give them a break from that
DREAM!LAIVAN: We're US and they're THEM, but we're also them at the same time
DREAM!LAIVAN: And they're us too, but in like a different way
DREAM!ALBION: not quite sure i follow
DREAM!ARCJEC: I doubt there's a way to do that.
DREAM!LAIVAN: Okay, good example, good example... What's a good example
DREAM!LAIVAN: Alright, think about a mirror
DREAM!LAIVAN: You know how when you look into a mirror and check yourself out, sometimes you think
DREAM!LAIVAN: "Wow, I wish I was someone better than I am"
DREAM!ALBION: i do not because i just woke up but continue
DREAM!LAIVAN: Well, we're the better someones on the other side of the mirror!
DREAM!LAIVAN: We're projections of who those folks want to be, sort of like an idealized extension of who they are deep down
DREAM!ARCJEC: He also said that we're basically moon freeloaders who can do whatever we want.
DREAM!ARCJEC: We can't die, because if the lookalike bozos flapping around with our faces on are still alive, any potential deadly situations we might face will be swiftly countered by magic!
DREAM!ARCJEC: No consequences and no masters, just fun for the whole family! Which sounds fake as hell.
DREAM!ARCJEC: I'm sure my "true self" would agree with me on this.
DREAM!LAIVAN: Yeah, your cantankerous attitude is probably some odd exception to the rule
DREAM!LAIVAN: Maybe when your guy comes into the session you can find out what's wrong?
DREAM!ARCJEC: You say that like the answer has not already been spit-shined as clear as the eye searing yellow soup we are floating over.
DREAM!ALBION: so... how do you know all this?
DREAM!ALBION: is it because of the other you in the hypothetical mirror?
DREAM!LAIVAN: Yeah, you got it
DREAM!LAIVAN: He knows a lot about this place, how it works and why it works the way it does, because he was able to get here a lot earlier than the others
DREAM!LAIVAN: So, I've been up and about way longer than you two as well
DREAM!LAIVAN: Took a while to really absorb everything, but I feel pretty lucky that I'm the one getting all of the insider information
DREAM!ALBION: where is your real self then?
DREAM!ALBION: maybe we can ask him to give us the whole scoop
DREAM!LAIVAN: It's a bit more complicated than that
DREAM!LAIVAN: We can only communicate with each other when the true self goes to sleep
DREAM!LAIVAN: And even then, it's not actually communicating per se. More like you taking a backseat inside your own brain
DREAM!LAIVAN: We exist so they can learn certain things
DREAM!LAIVAN: And we learn stuff from them too, kinda like a weird shared osmosis
DREAM!LAIVAN: No relation to the preschool stuff
DREAM!LAIVAN: Like... My true self has some sort of lung problem that he thinks holds him back
DREAM!LAIVAN: And he's honestly got some MAD secret self-esteem issues
DREAM!LAIVAN: Really scared of being himself, because he thinks he's too average and boring
DREAM!LAIVAN: I don't get it, I think he's pretty cool
DREAM!LAIVAN: But it took me a long time to get even this basic stuff down
DREAM!LAIVAN: It's always a vague feeling up until the moment when you put the pieces together, like a weird cross-connected mind puzzle
DREAM!LAIVAN: It gives you an idea of what you should be doing and vice-versa
DREAM!LAIVAN: And what I should be doing is giving you guys information and making sure things are okay!
DREAM!LAIVAN: You'll probably get up to something very different. Depends on them
DREAM!LAIVAN: Or there will be soon enough
DREAM!LAIVAN: They're here to fulfill a duty that will be extremely taxing on both their minds and bodies
DREAM!LAIVAN: We give them a break from that
DREAM!LAIVAN: We're US and they're THEM, but we're also them at the same time
DREAM!LAIVAN: And they're us too, but in like a different way
DREAM!ALBION: not quite sure i follow
DREAM!ARCJEC: I doubt there's a way to do that.
DREAM!LAIVAN: Okay, good example, good example... What's a good example
DREAM!LAIVAN: Alright, think about a mirror
DREAM!LAIVAN: You know how when you look into a mirror and check yourself out, sometimes you think
DREAM!LAIVAN: "Wow, I wish I was someone better than I am"
DREAM!ALBION: i do not because i just woke up but continue
DREAM!LAIVAN: Well, we're the better someones on the other side of the mirror!
DREAM!LAIVAN: We're projections of who those folks want to be, sort of like an idealized extension of who they are deep down
DREAM!ARCJEC: He also said that we're basically moon freeloaders who can do whatever we want.
DREAM!ARCJEC: We can't die, because if the lookalike bozos flapping around with our faces on are still alive, any potential deadly situations we might face will be swiftly countered by magic!
DREAM!ARCJEC: No consequences and no masters, just fun for the whole family! Which sounds fake as hell.
DREAM!ARCJEC: I'm sure my "true self" would agree with me on this.
DREAM!LAIVAN: Yeah, your cantankerous attitude is probably some odd exception to the rule
DREAM!LAIVAN: Maybe when your guy comes into the session you can find out what's wrong?
DREAM!ARCJEC: You say that like the answer has not already been spit-shined as clear as the eye searing yellow soup we are floating over.
DREAM!ALBION: so... how do you know all this?
DREAM!ALBION: is it because of the other you in the hypothetical mirror?
DREAM!LAIVAN: Yeah, you got it
DREAM!LAIVAN: He knows a lot about this place, how it works and why it works the way it does, because he was able to get here a lot earlier than the others
DREAM!LAIVAN: So, I've been up and about way longer than you two as well
DREAM!LAIVAN: Took a while to really absorb everything, but I feel pretty lucky that I'm the one getting all of the insider information
DREAM!ALBION: where is your real self then?
DREAM!ALBION: maybe we can ask him to give us the whole scoop
DREAM!LAIVAN: It's a bit more complicated than that
DREAM!LAIVAN: We can only communicate with each other when the true self goes to sleep
DREAM!LAIVAN: And even then, it's not actually communicating per se. More like you taking a backseat inside your own brain
DREAM!LAIVAN: We exist so they can learn certain things
DREAM!LAIVAN: And we learn stuff from them too, kinda like a weird shared osmosis
DREAM!LAIVAN: No relation to the preschool stuff
DREAM!LAIVAN: Like... My true self has some sort of lung problem that he thinks holds him back
DREAM!LAIVAN: And he's honestly got some MAD secret self-esteem issues
DREAM!LAIVAN: Really scared of being himself, because he thinks he's too average and boring
DREAM!LAIVAN: I don't get it, I think he's pretty cool
DREAM!LAIVAN: But it took me a long time to get even this basic stuff down
DREAM!LAIVAN: It's always a vague feeling up until the moment when you put the pieces together, like a weird cross-connected mind puzzle
DREAM!LAIVAN: It gives you an idea of what you should be doing and vice-versa
DREAM!LAIVAN: And what I should be doing is giving you guys information and making sure things are okay!
DREAM!LAIVAN: You'll probably get up to something very different. Depends on them